1 板子通过usb2uart连接到ubuntu虚拟机(可移动设备名称为:Google Salxxxxxx)。
2 虚拟机上首先要安装VMware Tools(否则,会看不到共享文件夹)。
3 启用windows下共享文件夹、
(2)android img文件夹——含adb命令
1 虚拟机上,进入终端,并进入上述共享文件夹下,或软连接目录。
2 shell下,
$ ./adb root
restarting adbd as root
$ ./adb shell (可以进入板上目录)
salvator:/ # ls
acct dev init.zygote64_32.rc sdcard
bin etc lost+found storage
bugreports init mnt sys
cache init.environ.rc odm system
charger init.rc oem ueventd.rc
config init.recovery.salvator.rc postinstall vendor
d init.usb.configfs.rc proc
data init.usb.rc product
default.prop init.zygote32.rc sbin
salvator:/sdcard/Movies # exit
$ ./adb push /home/titron/test.txt /sdcard/Download
$ ./adb push /home/m3n_imgs/aaa.mp3 /data/media/0/Download
$ ./adb push /home/m3n_imgs/bbb.apk /data/media/0/Download
# 说明:
# 推送到/data/media/0/Download,
# 相当于推送到/sdcard/Download
# "/data/media/0"是安卓手机内置存储的真实目录,
# 而"/sdcard"是内置存储被安卓系统挂载的快捷方式(指向"/data/media/0");
# 通常需要存储空间权限的手机app会访问后者,前者需要ROOT权限才能访问,因此这两个文件夹是一个目录
# 有关android内部存储和外部存储,请参看下面的附录连接。
Mini-Monitor for Third-Generation R-Car Products command Lists:
D - memory Dump
DM - set&disp Dump Mode
F - Fill memory
FL - Fill memory(Long)
FX - Fill memory(Long Long)
M - set Memory(byte)
MW - set Memory(Word)
ML - set Memory(Long)
MX - set Memory(Long Long)
MV - Move memory
RAMCK - RAM read write Check
DDRCK - DDR Memory read write Check
DDRCK_8GB - DDR Memory read write ChecK_8Gbyte
L - load program
G - Go program
LF - load Program to Flash memory
CF - Clear Flash memory
XLS - Load program to SpiFlash or HyperFlash
XLS2 - SpiFlash or HyperFlash address input version of XLS command
XCS - Clear SpiFlash or HyperFlash
XINFO - read SA3 Information
XINFO_S - set SA3 Information
XINFO_SA0 - read SA0 Information
XINFO_SA0_S - set SA0 Information
SUP - Scif speed UP
READ_PMIC - read PMIC Firmware from EEPROM
SET_PMIC - set PMIC Firmware to EEPROM
SET_IIC0 - set IIC0 Slave Address
IIC0_M - set IIC0 memory(BYTE)
SET_I2C0 - set I2C0 Slave Address
I2C0_M - set I2C0 memory(BYTE)
H - Help
Flash writer command Lists:
XLS2 - Write to the S-record format images to the Serial Flash.
XLS3 - Write to the raw binary images to the Serial Flash.
XCS - Erase the Serial Flash.
EM_DCID - Display the CID registers of eMMC.
EM_DCSD - Display the CSD registers of eMMC.
EM_DECSD - Display the EXT_CSD registers of eMMC.
EM_SECSD - Modify the EXT_CSD registers of eMMC.
EM_W - Write to the S-record format images to the user data area of eMMC, and the boot partition of eMMC.
EM_WB - Write to the raw binary images to the user data area of eMMC, and the boot partition of eMMC.
EM_E - Erase the user data area of eMMC, and the boot partition of eMMC.
SUP - Change the SCIF baud rate setting.
H - Display the command help.
启动VMware 的Linux系统,并开启虚拟机。
vmware tools光盘镜像位置:“C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Player\linux.iso”
Player - 管理 - 安装VMware Tools
然后,会在Linux的系统桌面上生成一个名字为“VMware Tools”的光驱文件。
双击“VMware Tools”光驱文件并进入,会看到一个后缀为.tar.gz的压缩文件。
$ cp -rf *.tar.gz /home/xxx/
$ cd /home/xxx/
$ tar -xzvf *.tar.gz
用“cd vmware-tools-distrib”命令进入vmware-tools-distrib文件夹,然后在命令行执行:
$ sudo ./vmware-install.pl (输入用户密码即可进行vmware tools的安装)
等待VMware Tools安装完毕。安装成功会显示“Found VMware Tools CDROM mounted at ……“的字样,如下图所示。
上述VMware Tools安装完毕后,就可以从windows 拖拽文件夹到虚拟机中了。
不过,由于经常从windows copy文件到ubuntu虚拟机中,会造成VMware空间变得很大。即使在虚拟机中删除了copy的文件,清空回收站,虚拟机尺寸并不能减小,尝试了网上减小尺寸的方法后,并不能减小虚拟机的尺寸。
这时,可以尝试下面的“共享文件夹 + 软连接”方法,就不用拖拽文件夹到虚拟机中了,从而不用担心虚拟机尺寸变大的问题了。
菜单: 管理 - 虚拟机设置 - 选项 - 共享文件夹,选择右侧的 “总是启用”,并添加windows文件夹。
$ cd /mnt/hgfs (hgfs是可以看到共享成功的文件夹)
$ sudo ln -s /mnt/hgfs/release/ /home/titron/img/M3N_imgs (输入虚拟机系统密码 --ENTER即可)
$ cd /home/titron/img/M3N_imgs
$ ls (可以看到软连接的文件夹目录了)
bootparam_sa0*: Loader(Boot parameter)
bl2-*: Loader
cert_header_sa6*: Loader (Certification)
bl31-*: ARM Trusted Firmware
tee-*: OP-Tee
u-boot-elf-*: U-Boot