- (1)define address of ATCM, BTCM, CTCM
- (2)define address of ATCM, BTCM, CTCM
- (3)EL2, EL1 Vector
- (4)Config ATCM, BTCM, CTCM
(1)define address of ATCM, BTCM, CTCM
#define ___asm(c) __asm_(c)
#define __asm_(c) __asm(#c);
#define __as1(c, d) __as1_(c, d)
#define __as1_(c, d) __asm( #c " , " #d);
#define __as2(c, d, e) __as2_(c, d, e)
#define __as2_(c, d, e) __asm( #c " , " #d " , " #e);
#define __as3(c, d, e, f) __as3_(c, d, e, f)
#define __as3_(c, d, e, f) __asm( #c " , " #d " , " #e " , " #f);
#define __as4(c, d, e, f, g) __as4_(c, d, e, f, g)
#define __as4_(c, d, e, f, g) __asm( #c " , " #d " , " #e " , " #f " , " #g);
#define __as5(c, d, e, f, g, h) __as5_(c, d, e, f, g, h)
#define __as5_(c, d, e, f, g, h) __asm( #c " , " #d " , " #e " , " #f " , " #g " , " #h);
(2)define address of ATCM, BTCM, CTCM
### file:Include\ARMStartup_Platform.h
const uint32 brsTcmBase[BRS_CPU_CORE_AMOUNT][NUM_TCM_PER_CORE] = {
0xE4000018, /* CLUSTER0_CORE0_TCMA */
0xE4100018, /* CLUSTER0_CORE0_TCMB */
0xE4200018}, /* CLUSTER0_CORE0_TCMC */
(3)EL2, EL1 Vector
/* file:ARMStartup_CortexR52.c
/* EL2 Vector */
BRS_LABEL(EL2_VectorTable) /* Temporary Interrupt Vector Table */
___asm(B _start)
___asm(B EL2_Unhandled_Handler)
/* EL1 Vector */
BRS_LABEL(EL1_VectorTable) /* Temporary Interrupt Vector Table */
___asm(B brsStartupEntry)
___asm(B EL1_Unhandled_Handler)
/* EL2 Entry */
__as1(MOV r0, #0)
__as1(MOV r1, #0)
__as1(LDR r0, =EL1_VectorTable) /* Set EL1 vector table */
__as5(MCR p15, #0, r0, c12, c0, #0) /* Write to VBAR */
__as1(LDR r0, =EL1_VectorTable) /* Load entry label */
__as2(ORR r0, r0, #1)
__as1(MSR ELR_hyp, r0) /* Set the link register */
___asm(ERET) /* Trigger EL1 level */
/* EL1 Entry */
/* Configure MPU region 12 for TCM */
__as1(LDR r1, =0x02) /* Non-Shareable, RW, Execute */
__as2(ORR r0, r0, r1)
__as5(MCR p15, #0, r0, c6, c14, #0) /* Write MPU base address register */
__as1(LDR r0, =MPU_TCM_REGION_END) /* Set the limit address */
__as2(BFC r0, #0, #6) /* Align the limit address to 64 bytes */
__as1(LDR r1, =0x09) /* Attr4 of MAIR1, EN */
__as2(ORR r0, r0, r1)
__as5(MCR p15, #0, r0, c6, c14, #1) /* Write MPU limit address register */
(4)Config ATCM, BTCM, CTCM
/* file:ARMStartup_CortexR52.c */
/* Enable Tightly Coupled Memory */
__as1(MOV r1, #NUM_TCM_PER_CORE)
__as2(MUL r1, r0, r1)
__as2(LSL r1, r1, #2)
__as1(LDR r2, =brsTcmBase)
__as1(ADD r2, r1)
__as1(LDR r1, [r2]) /* Load corresponding base address */
__as2(ORR r1, r1, #1) /* Enable TCMA */
__as5(MCR p15, #0, r1, c9, c1, #0) /* Write TCMA Region Register */
__as2(LDR r1, [r2, #4])
__as2(ORR r1, r1, #1) /* Enable TCMB */
__as5(MCR p15, #0, r1, c9, c1, #1) /* Write TCMB Region Register */
__as2(LDR r1, [r2, #8])
__as2(ORR r1, r1, #1) /* Enable TCMC */
__as5(MCR p15, #0, r1, c9, c1, #2) /* Write TCMC Region Register */
#endif /*BRS_ENABLE_TCM*/